Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De secretis mulierum et viroru[m]. (Augsburg, J. Froschauer, c. 1500). (33 lvs.). 4°. Old vellum. (Bind. warped, margins ti-p. rep., sev. o. marginal rep., last blank (g4) lacks, rather stained throughout).

Drawing on Hippocratic, Galenic and Aristotelian theories on sex and reproduction, this work of natural philosophy examines the 'secret' nature of women. The discussion is both medical, philosophical and astrological. Some chapters are strictly medical and concern the signs of conception, the gestation period and the nature of menstruation, others deal with the influence that the planets and constellations have on the development of the foetus before birth. The text, attributed to Albertus Magnus, is accompanied by an extensive commentary traditionally considered to be the work of Henricus de Saxonia. - Rare. GW 735; VD 16, A-1413; Proctor 1858; Hain 555; Goff A-315. - From the library of van der Hoeven and with his bookplate.

€ 1200

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