Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

SEMITIC LANGUAGES -- HOSPERS, J.H., ed. A basic bibliography for the study of the semitic languages. 1973. 2 vols. Ocl. -- M. COHEN. Le système verbal sémitique et l'expression du temps. 1924. Lge-8°. Cl. -- Id. Essai comparatif sur le vocabulaire et la phonétique du chamito-sémitique. 1969. Cl. -- M.L. FOLMER. The Aramaic language in the Achaemenic period. A study in linguistic variation. 1995. Owrps. -- H.B. HUFFMON. Amorite personal names in the Mari texts: A structural and lexical study. (1965). Ocl. -- J. AQUILINA. Maltese-English dictionary. (1987-90). 2 vols. Or. binds. w. (dam.) dust-j. -- And 2 o. (10).

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