Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Egyptology

HARING, B.J.J. Divine households. - D. v.d. PLAS. L'Hymne a la crue du Nil. 2 vols. - J. TOIVARI-VIITALA. Women at Deir El-Medina. A study of the status and roles of the female inhabitants in the workmen's community during the Ramesside period. - R. v. WALSEM. The coffin of Djedmonthuiufankh in the Nat. Mus. of Antiq. at Leiden. I: Technical & iconographic aspects. 1 text-vol. & 1 vol. of plates. - And 5 o. works in 6 vols from the same series. Leiden, NINO, 1986-2001. 12 vols. Owrps. (Egyptolog. Uitg., 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15). -- H. WILLEMS. Chests of life. Leiden, 1988. Owrps. ( Ex Oriente Lux XXV). -- And 7 o. (20).

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