Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Judaica & Hebraica

AHARONI, Y. Arad inscriptions. - N. LEWIS, ed. The documents from the Bar Kokhba period in the cave of letters. - 1981-89. 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Judean Desert Studies). -- Y. AHARONI. Investigations at Lachish. The sanctuary and the residency (Lachish V). 1975. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. AVI-YONAH & E. STERN, ed. The new encyclopedia of archaeological excavations in the Holy Land. (1975-78). 4 vols. Prof. ill. 4°. Or. binds. w. dust-j. -- R. de VAUX. Histoire ancienne d'Israël. Des origines à l'installation en Canaan. 1971. Owrps. -- And 5 o. (13).

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