AHARONI, Y. Arad inscriptions. - N. LEWIS, ed. The documents from the Bar Kokhba period in the cave of letters. - 1981-89. 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Judean Desert Studies). -- Y. AHARONI. Investigations at Lachish. The sanctuary and the residency (Lachish V). 1975. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. AVI-YONAH & E. STERN, ed. The new encyclopedia of archaeological excavations in the Holy Land. (1975-78). 4 vols. Prof. ill. 4°. Or. binds. w. dust-j. -- R. de VAUX. Histoire ancienne d'Israël. Des origines à l'installation en Canaan. 1971. Owrps. -- And 5 o. (13).
€ 70
MANKOWSKI, P.V. Akkadian loanwords in biblical Hebrew. 2000. Ocl. -- J. WEINGREEN. Introduction to the critical study of the text of the Hebrew Bible. 1982. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spine faded). -- W. GESENIUS. Hebräisches & aram. Handwörterbuch über das A.T. Bearb. v. F. Buhl. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1915). 1954. Ocl. -- H. BAUER & P. LEANDER. Hist. Grammatik der hebräischen Sprache des A.T. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1922). 1965. Owrps. -- L. KOEHLER & W. BAUMGARTNER. Lexicon in V.T. libros. Wörterbuch zum hebräisches A.T./Wörterbuch zum aramäischen Tl. des A.T. in deutscher & engl. Sprache. W. suppl. 1958. 2 vols. 4°. Ocl. -- And 14 o. (20).
€ 100
MÜLLER-KESSLER, C & M. SOKOLOFF, eds. A corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic. Vol. I, III & V. 1997-99. 3 (of 5) vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A. BRENER. Isaac ibn Khalfun: A wandering Hebrew poet of the 11th c. - N. KATSUMATA. Hebrew style in the liturgical poetry of Shmuel Haslishi. - 2003. 2 vols. Obrds. (Hebrew Language and Literature Series 4-5). -- (5).
€ 80