Veiling 360 Classical Antiquity - General

BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA. Greek authors. Lpz., 1875-1991. 29 vols. of the series. (Oh)cl.

I.a.: DIODORUS SICULUS. Bibliotheca historica. Rec. F. Vogel & C.T. Fischer. Vol. 1-5. 1964. 5 vols. (Vol. 6: Index fails, some marg. pencil annot.). -- PAUSANIAS. Graeciae descriptio. Rec. F. Spiro. (1959-64). 3 vols. -- LYCOPHRON. Alexandra. Ed. L. Mascialino. 1964. -- PHOTIUS. Epistulae et Amphilochia. Rec. B. Laourdas & L.G. Westerink. Vol. 4-5. 1986. 2 vols.

€ 130

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