AESCHYLUS. Tragoediae. Ed. M.L. West. 1998. -- EURIPIDES. Alcestis - Bacchae - Cyclops - Hecuba - Helena - Heraclidae - Orestes - Troades. Ed. A. Garzya, W. Biehl, K. Alt, a.o. 1964-83. 8 vols. -- POETAE EPICI GRAECI. Testimonia et fragmenta. Pars I. Ed. A. Bernabé. 1987. -- And 4 o., tog. 14 vols. Ocl. (BT).
€ 120
AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works (Greek, Latin, o. authors) in Dutch translation. Amst./Baarn, 1998-2008. 19 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (16) & owrps. (Some dust-j./wrps. a bit soiled/discold., some minor wear & tear). -- And 4 o. classical works in Dutch translation. (23).
€ 160
AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Amst./Baarn, 1979-2010. 32 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Spines a bit discold.). -- Added: 5 similar transl., all or. bindings. -- (37).
AMBO-KLASSIEK/ATHENAEUM-POLAK & v. GENNEP. Collection of classical works in Dutch translation. Amst./Baarn, 1990-2010. 20 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Some spines a bit discold.). -- Added: 14 similar transl. & works, all in or. bindings. -- (35).
BIBLIOTHECA TEUBNERIANA. Greek authors. Lpz., 1875-1991. 29 vols. of the series. (Oh)cl.
€ 130
CALLIMACHUS. (Fragmenta; Hymni et Epigrammata). Ed. R. Pfeiffer. Oxford, (1965). 2 vols. xiv, 520; cvi, (2), 208 pp. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Hecale. Ed. by A.S. Hollis. (1997). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- (3).
€ 80
COMICORUM GRAECORUM FRAGMENTA in papyris reperta. Ed. C. Austin. Berlin, 1973. Ocl. -- A. CAMERON. The Greek anthology from Meleager to Planudes. 1993. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H. HOFMANN & A. HARDER, Hrsg. Fragmenta Dramatica. Beiträge zur Interpret. der griech. Tragikerfragmente & ihrer Wirkungsgeschichte. (1991). Owrps. -- IAMBI ET ELEGI GRAECI ante Alexandrum cantati. Ed. M.L. West. Ed. 2a aucta atque emendata. (1998). 2 in 1 vol. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- EARLY GREEK ELEGY. Ed. by T. Hudson-Williams. 1926. Ocl. -- (5).
DIDOT -- FRAGMENTA historicorum Græcorum. Collegit, disposuit, notis proleg. illustr. C. Mullerus. Par., 1848-74. 5 vols. Lge-8°. Cont. h. vellum extra w. red mor. labels. (Stamps on free endpaper, vol. 3: lower vellum corners gone and lower margin a bit stained, some minor foxing).
€ 200
DOWN, A., (a.o., eds). Chichester Excavations. 1971-1993. 8 vols. 4°. W. many illustr. Obrds. (2), ocl. w. (1) dust-j. (Some shelfwear).
EUNOMIUS. The extant works. Text and transl. by R.P. Vaggione. 1987. Ocl. -- P. MAAS & C.A. TRYPANIS, ed. Sancti romani melodi cantica. Cantica genuina. 1963. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- R.C. BLOCKLEY. The history of Menander the guardsman. (1985). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- D. KAIMAKIS. Die Kyraniken. 1976. Owrps. -- DAMASCIUS. Dubitationes et solutiones. De primis principiis, in Platonis Parmenidem. Ed. C.A. Ruelle. (Repr. ed. 1889). 1964. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Ocl. -- (6).
EURIPIDES. Helena. Hrsg. & erkl. v. R. Kannicht. 1969. 2 vols. Owrps. -- M.L. WEST. Studies in Aeschylus. 1990. Ocl. (BzA, 1). -- D.J. MASTRONARDE & J.M. BREMER. The textual tradition of Euripides' Phoinissai. (1982). Lge-8°. Owrps. -- H.J. ROSE. A commentary on the surviving plays of Aeschylus. 1957. 2 vols. Lge-8°. Cl. (Lower joint vol. 1 split). -- F. ELLENDT. Lexicon Sophocleum. Ed. 2a emend. cur. H. Genthe. 1872. Cl. -- R.D. DAWE. Studies on the text of Sophocles. 1973-78. 3 vols. Ocl. -- Id. Repertory of conjectures on Aeschylus. 1965. Ocl. -- (11).
FESTUGIÈRE, A.J. Hermétisme et mystique païenne. (1967). Owrps. -- D. BRIQUEL. Chrétiens et haruspices. La religion étrusque, dernier rempart du paganisme romain. (1997). Owrps. -- É. des PLACES. Syngeneia. La parenté de l'homme avec Dieu d'Homère à la patristique. 1964. Owrps. -- J. TEIXIDOR. The pagan god. Popular religion in the Greco-Roman Near East. (1977). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- G. d'ALVIELLA. Croyances, rites, institutions. 1911. 3 vols. Owrps. -- And 5 o. (12).
€ 70
FRONTO -- HOUT, M.P.J. v.d. A commentary on the letters of M. Cornelius Fronto. Leiden, (etc.), 1999. xii, 725, (7) pp. Ocl. w. dust-j. (Mnemosyne 190).
GRAMMATICAE ROMANAE FRAGMENTA. Rec. Funaioli. 1969. -- CHORICIUS GAZAEUS. Opera. Rec. R. Foerster. Ed. confecit E. Richtsteig. 1972. -- TURPILIUS. Fragmenta. Ed. L. Rychlewska. 1971. -- PELAGONIUS. Ars veterinaria. Ed. K.-D. Fischer. 1980. -- SCRIPTORES HISTORIAE AUGUSTAE. Ed. E. Hohl. (Ed.) Ch. Samberger & W. Seyfarth. 1971. 2 vols. -- And 4 o., tog. 10 vols. Ocl. (BT).
HERMANN, G. Opuscula. Lpz., G. Fleischer, 1827-77. 8 vols. Hcl. w. marbled paper on sides. (Lower margins a bit dam./stained/affected by humidity, ti-p. of vol. 7 repaired).
€ 100
HIJMANS, S.E. Sol. Image and Meaning of the Sun in Roman Art and Religion. Leid., Brill, 2024. 2 vols. 4°. Obrds. -- K. V. BEERDEN & F. NAEREBOUT, eds. Coping with Versnel: A Roundtable on Religion and Magic. In honour of the 80th birthday of Henk S. Versnel. Leid., Brill, 2023. 4°. obrds.- (RGRW 198-I, 198-II, 200). -- (3).
HOMERUS. Odyssee. (Deutsch von J. H. Voss). Berlin, Askanischer Verlag, 1924. 337, (7) pp. W. num. woodcut ill. by L. von Hofmann. Or. full vellum w. raised bands, dec. gilt spine w. red lettering, gilt vignette on front side, t.e.g. In slipcase. (A few foxing spots, upper hinge weak).
HORATIUS. Opera omnia. Ed. E. Wickham. Lond., Riccardi Press, 1910. Or. gilt lettered vellum w. ties and or. dust-j., t.e.g. In or. slipcase. (Spine of dust-j. and slipcase a bit faded). Printed in 1016 numb. copies. -- MARTIALIS. Epigrams. (Privately printed, for subscribers only, 1921). Ohcl. w. red mor. label. Printed in 990 numb. copies. -- (2).
KAMPEN, N.G. v. Geschiedenis van Griekenland. Rott., Dordr., 1827-34. 7 vols. W. large fold. map, cold. in outlines. Cont. blue hcf. extra w. dec. gilt backs & marbled paper on sides.
€ 140
LAW -- GAUTHIER, Ph. Symbola. Les étrangers et la justice dans les cités grecques. 1972. Owrps. -- V. ILARI. Guerra e diritto nel mondo antico. Pt. 1a: Guerra e diritto nel mondo greco-ellenistico fino al III secolo. 1980. Owrps. -- G. ROUX. L'amphictionie, delphes et le temple d'Apollon au IVe s. (1979). Ocl. -- L. PICCIRILLI, cur. Gli arbitrati interstatali greci. Vol. 1. 1973. Ocl. -- W. GAWANTKA. Isopolitie. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der zwischenstaatlichen Beziehungen in der griech. Antike. 1975. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- W. DAHLHEIM. Struktur und Entwicklung des röm. Völkerrechts im 3. und 2. Jh. v. Chr. 1968. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 6 o. (12). (Some vols. w. a few marg. pencil annot.).
MOSAICS -- JOLY, Ch.A. Choix de mosaïques romaines d'Algérie. Par., E. Leroux, 1915. W. title-page & 10 cold. plates. Lge-fol. Or. clothbacked portfol. (Portfol. soiled/worn, title-p. partly foxed/browned and margins creased/frayed, but plates in good condition). Extremely scarce. -- Added: A. BALLU. Monastère byzantin de Tébessa. Par., 1897. vi, 38, (2) pp. W. text-ills. & 14 double-p. plates (incl. 3 chromolithogr. plates of mosaics). Fol. No bind. (Loose). -- (2).
€ 240
NEAL, D.S. & S. COSH. Roman Mosaics of Britain. Vols I-IV. Lond., Society of Antiquaries of London, 2002-10. 4 in 5 vols. W. illustr. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j.
€ 180
NEMESIANUS. Eclogues & Cynegetica. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by H.J. Williams. 1986. Cl. -- R.W. BURGESS, ed. The Chronicle of Hydatius and the Consularia Constantinopolitana. Two contemporary accounts of the final years of the Roman Empire. 1993. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- GERMANICUS CAESAR. Aratus. Ed. w. introd., transl. & comm. by D.B. Gain. 1976. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- LUCIFER CALARITANUS. Opuscula. Rec. et comm. crit. instr. G. Hartel. 1886. Cl. (CSEL, 13). -- E. FRAENKEL. Elementi Plautini in Plauto. (Plautinisches im Plautus). (1960). Ocl. -- And 1 o. (6).
PHILOXENOS. Die Fragmente des Grammatikers Philoxenos. Hrsg. v. Chr. Theodoridis. 1976. Ocl. (Ex libr. copy). -- POSIDONIUS. Vol. II: The commentary. Ed. by L. Edelstein & I.G. Kidd. (1988). 2 vols. Ocl. w. dust-j. (CCTC 14a-b). -- ARISTOPHANES BYZANTIUS. Fragmenta. Coll. et dispos. A. Nauck. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1848. 1963). Ocl. -- THEON SMYRNAEUS. Liber de astronomia. Ed., Lat. vertit & notis illustr. T.H. Martin. Acced. nunc primum ed. G. Pachymeris e libro astronomico delecta fragmenta. (Repr. ed. 1847). 1971. Ocl. -- J.D.P. BOLTON. Aristeas of Proconnesus. 1962. Ocl. -- (6).
PLATO. Meno. Ed. w. introd. & comm. by R.S. Bluck. 1964. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- W.C. GREENE, (ed.). Scholia Platonica. Contulerunt atque investigaverunt F. de Forest Allen, J. Burnet (&) C.P. Parker. 1938. Ocl. -- HERMIAS ALEXANDRINUS. In Platonis Phaedrum scholia. Ed. et appar. crit. ornavit P. Couvreur. Ed. C. Zintzen. (Repr. ed. 1901). 1971. Ocl. -- IAMBLICHUS. In Platonis dialogos comm. fragmenta. Ed. w. transl. & comm. by J.M. Dillon. 1973. (PA, 23). -- J. BIDEZ. Vie de Porphyre, le philosophe néo-platonicien, avec les fragments des traités Peri agalmaton et De regressu animae. (Nachdr. Ausg. 1913). 1964. Ocl. -- And 4 o. (9).
€ 90
PLATO -- DAMASCIUS. Lectures on the Philebus wrongly attributed to Olympiodorus. - ANONYMOUS prolegomena to Platonic philosophy. - OLYMPIODORUS. Comm. on the first Alcibiades of Plato. 1956. - PROCLUS DIADOCHUS. Commentary on the first Alcibiades of Plato. - Text, transl., notes & indices by L.G. Westerink. 1954-62. 4 vols. -- L.G. WESTERINK. The Greek commentaries on Plato's Phaedo. 1976-77. 2 vols. Lge-8°. -- 6 vols. Ocl. (4) w. dust-j.
PORPHYRIUS. Fragmenta. Ed. A. Smith. 1993. Ocl. -- IOHANNES PHILOPONUS. De aeternitate mundi contra Proclum. Ed. H. Rabe. 1999. Ocl. -- OLYMPIODORUS. In Platonis Gorgiam commentaria. Ed. L.G. Westerink. 1970. Ocl. -- HERMAGORAS. Testimonia et fragmenta. (Ed.) D. Matthes. 1962. Ocl. -- PROCLUS DIADOCHUS. In Platonis rem publicam commentarii. Ed. G. Kroll. 1899-1901. 2 vols. Obrds. & cl. -- Id. In Platonis Timaeum commentaria. Ed. E. Diehl. 1903-06. 3 vols. Cl. -- (9). (BT).
PRESOCRATICS -- BARNES, J. The Presocratic philosophers. Thales to Zeno (&) Empedocles to Democritus. (1979). 2 vols. (Spines faded). (The Arguments of Philosophers). -- H. DIELS. Die Fragmente der Vorsokratiker. Griech.-deutsch. 7. Aufl. hrsg. v. W. Kranz. 1954. 3 vols. Ocl. -- A. MARTIN & O. PRIMAVESI. L'Empedocle de Strasbourg (P. Strasb. gr. Inv. 1665-1666). Introd., éd. et comm. 1999. Obrds. -- (6).
PSELLUS, M. Poemata. Rec. L.G. Westerink. 1992. -- Id. Oratoria minora. Ed. A.R. Littlewood. 1985. -- ARISTIDES QUINTILIANUS. De musica. Ed. R.P. Winnington-Ingram. 1963. -- DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. Ixeuticon seu de aucupio ll. III in epitomen metro solutam redacti. Rec. A. Garzya. 1963. -- J. TZETZES. Epistulae. Rec. P.A.M. Leone. 1972. -- ARTEMIDORUS DALDIANUS. Onirocriticon ll. V. Rec. R.A. Pack. 1963. -- And 1 o., tog. 7 vols. Ocl. (BT).
RÜPKE, J. Fasti Sacerdotum. A Prosopography of Pagan, Jewish and Christian religious officials in the city of Rome, 300 BC to AD 499. Biographies of Christian officials by A. Glock. Transl. by D.M.B. Richardson. Oxf., 2008. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j.
€ 220
SPRUNER (v. MERZ), C. de. Atlas antiquus. Ed. 3a. Th. Menke. Göttingen, J. Perthes, (1865). W. 31 engr. double-p. maps, cold. in outlines. Fol. Ohcf. extra. (Extremities sl. dam., upper margin first lvs. a bit stained, some minor foxing). -- Added: R.J.A. TALBERT, (ed.). Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world. Princeton, 2000. xxviii pp., 102 mostly double-p. maps and index. Lge-fol. Ocl. w. dust-j. (CD-Rom missing). -- (2).
VETTIUS VALENS. Anthologiarum libri novem. Ed. D. Pingree. 1986. -- GEMINUS. Elementa astronomiae. Ed. C. Manutius. 1974. -- PAMPREPIUS. Carmina. Ed. H. Livrea. 1979. -- PAULUS ALEXANDRINUS. Elementa apotelesmatica. Ed. Æ. Boer. Interpret. astronomicas addidit O. Neugebauer. 1958. -- HIPPONAX. Testimonia & fragmenta. Ed. H. Degani. 1983. -- And 2 o., tog. 7 vols. Ocl. (6) & ohcl. (BT).