Veiling 360 Death - Dance of Death

MERIAN, M. La danse des morts, comme elle est depeinte dans la louable et celebre ville de Basle. On y a ajouté, une description de la ville de Basle. - Todten-Tanz wie derselbe in der löbl. u. Welt-berühmten Stadt Basel (…) zu sehen ist. Basel, J.R. Imhoff & Fils, 1789. 190 pp. W. engr. ti. (dated 1744), several woodcut head- and tailpieces and 43 half-p. engrs. by J.A. Chovin after Matthäeus Merian. Sm-4°. Old brds. (Spine & corners a bit dam./worn, sm. stamps on endpaper).

Third Basel edition in German and French. The impressive copper engravings of the Dance of Death by J.A. Chovin after M. Merian. - Oppermann 1129; Reichelt 73. - From the library of Van der Hoeven and with his bookplate.

€ 700

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