Veiling 360 Philosophy

SCHOENMAEKERS, M.H.J. Het nieuwe wereldbeeld. Bussum, C.A.J. v. Dishoeck, 1915. (8), 242 pp. Sm-8°. Ocl. (Spine a bit discoloured, but in v.g. condition).

This important theosophical book by the philosopher Mathieu Schoenmaekers (1875-1944), influenced several avant-garde artists such as Piet Mondrian, who had already developed his theory of "the new visual arts" by 1914, but found Schoenmaekers' ideas in tune with his own. Other artists influenced by Schoenmaekers included: Theo van Doesburg, Bart van der Leck, Karel Schmidt, sculptor Georges Vantongerloo and the composer Jacob van Domselaar. - Scarce first edition.

€ 100

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