Veiling 360 Modern Art

COBRA -- BIBLIOTHEQUE DE COBRA. 1ère série: Les Artistes Libres. Réd.: A. Jorn. Première serie, fasc. 1-15 (all published). Copenhague, Ed. E. Munksgaard, 1950. 15 vols. Sm-8°. Owrps. Loose in or. wrap. (Wrap a bit dam. at hinges & spine and reinforced on v°, else in v.g. condition).

Complete set in good condition with introductory leaflet (4 pp.), loosely inserted in publisher’'s wrap, printed on card stock with an additional original colour lithograph by Asger Jorn. The set consists of 15 volumes, of which 9 have an original coloured lithograph on the front cover (nrs. 3-5,7,8,10,12,14 and 15). The full series include: 1: Pierre Alechinsky; 2: Else Alfelt; 3: Karel Appel; 4: Atlan; 5: Ejler Bille; 6: Constant; 7: Corneille; 8: Jaques Doucet; 9: Sonja Ferlov; 10: Stephen Gilbert; 11: Svavar Gudnason; 12: Henry Heerup; 13: Egill Jacobsen; 14: Asger Jorn; 15: Carl-Henning Pedersen. Texts are by Luc Zangrie (number 1), Edouard Jaguer (numbers 2, 10, 11), Chr. Dotremont (numbers 3, 6, 7, 9, 12-15); Michel Ragon (numbers 4, 5), and Jean Laude (number 8).

€ 800

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