Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

NEUVILLE, (B.H.) de la (=A. Baillet). Histoire de Hollande depuis la trève de 1609, ou finit Grotius jusqu'a notre tems. (…) Depuis la revolution causée par les guerres qui ont précedé la Paix de Nimegue. Par./Brux., 1703. 4 in 2 vols. (22), 240; (2), 243, (10); (2), 179; (2), 290, (6) pp. W. 4 identical fronts. - Followed by: Id. Histoire de Hollande. Contenant cequi s'est passé de plus mémorable dans cette République et dans les autres états de l'Europe, depuis la paix de Nimègue jusqu'a celle de Ryswyk. Amst., A. Braakman & J. Desbordes, 1704. 2 parts in 1 vol. (4), 261; 269, (6) pp. W. 2 identical engr. fronts. - Tog. 6 in 3 vols. Cont. vellum. (Some minor foxing in places).

Adrien Baillet (1649-1706) was a French scholar and critic. Baillet received a thorough education at the theological seminary, and was afterwards appointed to a post as teacher in the college of Beauvais. In 1676 he was ordained priest and was presented to a small vicarage. Later he became librarian to the Duc de Lamoignon, and devoted the fullest possible time to study by taking only one meal a day and five hours of rest. - Rare. De Buck, 2596-97.

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