Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

THEATRE -- FICORONI, F. De larvis scenicis et figuris comicis antiquorum Romanorum. Ed. 2a auctior et emend. Rome, Angelo Rotili for Venanzio Monaldini, 1754. (12), 115, (9) pp. W. engr. ti-vign. & 85 engr. plates (1 fold.) of masks and burlesque figures of the theater of Ancient Rome. Fol. Cont. mottled cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt spine & red edges. (Joints partly split. extremities a bit dam., upper outer corner first 11 lvs. stained, a bit browned/foxed in places).

Treatise on the masks and figures of ancient Roman comic theatre. - Cicognara 1653: "The tables are the same with the difference of a Chapter and a table more at the end of the work (the comparison is with the Italian edition of 1736). Work that in this matter can be considered the most classic and copious of those that preceded it".

€ 340

uitslag € 280

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