Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

OVIDIUS. Metamorphoseos libri quindecim, cum comment. Raphaelis Regii. Adiect. Annotationibus J. Micylli nunc primum in lucem ed. Cum (…) indice. Basel, J. Hervagius, 1543. (28), 355, (5) pp. W. 2 woodcut printer's devices, 3 diagrams in text, woodcut initials. Fol. 17th c. mottled cf., spine raised in compartments. (Bind. a bit worn, rebacked (part of old spine laid down), name erased from ti.-p., outer blank lower corner of first 16 lvs. a bit stained, but internally sound and good).

Ex library Etienne Alexandre Bernier (1762-1806), who was appointed bishop in 1802 by Napoleon I. - Adams O-492; VD 16 O 1643; Schweiger II, 648.

€ 400

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