Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

OROSIUS, P. Adversus Paganos, (quos vocant) historiarum libri septem. Nunc denuo cum manu scriptis exemplaribus aliquot collati, diligentiusque (…) excusi. Cologne, J. van Gennep (for G. Hittorp), 1542. (16), 516 pp. Title-p. w. four-part woodcut borders. Cont. vellum. w. overl. sides. (2 (burn?)holes in the spine, vellum slightly torn at upper spine end, 1 hole in the front, ties fail, hinges delicate, wormholes in paste-down clumsily repaired w. paper, small wormhole in title-p., slight waterstaining along the fore-margin).

Adams O-301; Schweiger II, 622.

€ 260

uitslag € 200

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