Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

LONGUS. Les amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé. ( = Paris), 1745. (12), 159, (1 blank), xx pp. W. engr. front. by B. Audran after A. Coypel, engr. ti-vign. & 29 (13 fold.) engr. plates by B. Audran after Philippe d'Orleans, & 8 head- & tail-pieces by i.a. Cochin. Sm-8°. Cont. mottled cf., spine gilt with 5 raised bands & red mor. label, gilt dec. border on both sides, a.e.g. (Sl. yellowed).

The famous pastoral romance in the popular translation of J. Amyot with annotations by A. Lancelot. Second edition with illustrations 'du Régent' (1st ed. 1718, only 250 exx. printed). - Cohen/De Ricci 652; Sander 1223. W. bookplate of J.B. Greeve.

€ 180

uitslag € 190

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