Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

LAURO, G. Antiquae urbis splendor. Rome, 1612(-28). W. fold. engr. portr. of Pope Urban VIII (cut out & laid down) & 167 numb. engr. plates (incl. ti-pp.). 4°-obl. Cont. cf. (Bind. rebacked & restored, more or less waterstained throughout, sev. sm. marg. tears).

The plates show scenes from ancient Rome: temples, basilicas, triumphal arches, thermal baths, amphitheatres, palaces, villas, gardens, the Vatican, Colosseum, Castel Sant'Angelo, plans of Ostia and Rome, etc. - Cicognara II, 3761; cf. Fowler 169 & Kat. Orn. Berl. 1858. - Sold w.a.f., not subject to return.

€ 500

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