Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

HESIODUS. Quae extant, cum Graecis scholiis, Procli, Moschopuli, Tzetzae, in Erga kai Hèmeras, Jo. Diaconi & incerti in reliqua. Accessit liber singularis, (...). Item notae, emend., observat., & index copiosissimus (...). Opera et studio D. Heinsii. (Leyden), Ex off. Plantiniana Raphelengii, 1603. 2 (in 1) vol. (44), 329, (1), (2 blank); 159, (1) pp. W. 1 full-p. woodcut in the text depicting ancient instruments of agriculture (p. 311). 4°. Mod. antique style hcf. w. red mor. label. (A few marg. stains, rather browned/foxed in places).

Rare. Dibdin II, 33: Brunet III, 140: "Édition estimée".

€ 300

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