Veiling 358 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

BOETHIUS. Vertroostinge der wysbegeerte. In vyf boeken vervat, en nieuwlyks vert. d. M. Gargon. Amst./Gouda, A. Braakman/L. Kloppenburg, 1703. (42), 192, (45) pp. W. engr. ti. & 5 engr. plates. - Bound with: MINUCIUS FELIX. Octavius. Dienende als tot vervolg op de vertroostinge van Boëthius. Vert. d. M. Gargon. Vlissingen, S. Willegaarts, 1712. (6), 3-141(A1 was never there, see STCN), (3) pp. - 2 in 1 vol. Beautiful 18th c. dark brown mor. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt spine, sides decorated w. gilt centerpieces within broad gilt dec. border (bird and vegetal ornaments) along edges, all edges gilt. (Extremities slightly chafed, upper outer margin faintly stained in places, some minor foxing).

Two classics translated into Dutch bound together in a fine binding which can be identified as made by the Rotterdam Stag bindery (active between 1693 and 1743 or 1758), "(…) one of the most distinguished Dutch workshops of the first half of [the 18th c.]." Probable date of this binding is c. 1733. Cf. Storm v. Leeuwen, Dutch dec. bookb. vol. II, p. 432 and 439 (depicting a similar binding); Geerebaert, XCVII-5; Schweiger II, 38.

€ 500

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