Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

WISE, Th.A. Review of the history of medicine. 1867. 2 vols. Ocl. w. library blindstamp on the sides. (Ex-library w. the usual stamps on endpapers & ti-p, but binding & textblock very clean & tight). -- J. KOVACS & P.U. UNSCHULD, transl. & annot. Essential subtleties on the Silver Sea. The Yin-hai jing-wei: A Chinese classic on ophtalmology. (1998). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P. HUARD, Z. OHYA & M. WONG. La médecine japonaise des origines a nos jours. (1974). W. many b&w illustr. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- H. GERDING. Medizin in Samoa seit Beginn der Kolonialisierung. 1986. Owrps. -- And 15 o. (20).

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