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SURGERY -- CHAULIAC, Guy de. La Grande Chirurgie, composée en l'an 1363. Revue et collationnée sur les mss. et imprimés latins et français (…) p. E. Nicaise. Paris, 1890. cxci, 747 pp. W. 11 plates. Lge-8°. Cont. h. brown mor., uncut. (Repairs to spine and (rather clumsy) to inner hinges, inner margin first 2 lvs. strengthened).

Guy de Chauliac (also called Guido or Guigo de Cauliaco (c. 1300-1368)), was a French physician and surgeon who wrote this lengthy and influential treatise on surgery in Latin, titled Chirurgia Magna. It was translated into many languages and widely consulted by physicians in late medieval Europe.

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