Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

ORNITHOLOGY -- OORT, E.D. v. Ornithologia Neerlandica. De vogels van Nederland. 's-Grav., 1922-39. 6 vols., incl. index. W. 407 cold. collotype full-p. plates after drawings by M.A. Koekkoek. Fol. & sm-8°. Or. brown h. mor. extra w. raised bands w. dec. gilt backs. (Binds. dam., spines discold., loosening, plate edges a bit frayed in places, browned).

Tien eeuwen vogelboeken, p. 149; Nissen IVB 694; Anker 381; Wood 500. - Sold (as a collection of plates) w.a.f., not subject to return.

€ 400

uitslag € 950

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