Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

NEUROSURGERY -- CUSHING, H. Selected papers on neurosurgery. Ed. by D.D. Matson & W.J. German (a.o.). 1969. W. figs. & photo's in the text. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C.B. COURVILLE. Injuries of the skull and brain as described in the myths, legends and folk-tales (…). 1967. W. several woodcut ills. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A.E. WALKER. A history of neurological surgery. Facsimile reprint of 1951 edition. 1967. W. b&w ills. Ocl. -- L. DAVIS. Neurosurgical contributions. Selected papers and retrospective commentaries. Comp. by R.A. Davis. 1973. W. b&w ills. Ocl. -- And 7 o. (11).

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