Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

ISRAEL, J. & W. Chirurgie der Niere und des Harnleiters. Ein Lehrbuch. 1925. W. many illustr. in the text. Purple cl. w. gilt lettering. -- E.G. BALLENGER. History of urology. 1933. 2 vols. Ocl., uncut. -- O. KLEINSCHMIDT. Die Harnsteine. Ihre Physiographie und Pathogenese. 1911. Wrps. (Binding delicate). -- W. CHESELDEN. A treatise on the high operation for the stone. (&) J.C. CARPUE. A history of the high operation for the stone. (Facsimile eds. 1723, 1819). 1986. 2 in 1 vol. Full leather binding w. gilt dec., all edges gilt. -- And 4 o. (9).

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