Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

HARVEY, W. The works. Transl. with a life of the author by R. Willis. 1847. Mod. cl. G-M 61.1. -- W. PROUT. Chemistry meteorology and the function of digestion considered with reference to natural theology. 1834. Hcf., a.e.g. -- C.S. SHERRINGTON. Mammalian physiology. A course of practical exercises. 1919. W. ill. 4°. Ocl. -- C. DEBRU, ed. Essays in the history of the physiological sciences. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Ch. McC. BROOKS & P.F. CRANEFIELD, eds. The historical development of physiological thought. (Repr. ed. 1959. 1999). Ocl. -- And 16 o., incl. 9 works from 'The Classics of Med. Libr.' (21).

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