Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

PHILO ALEXANDRINUS. On planting. Introd., transl. & comm. by A.C. Geljon & D.T. Runia. (2019). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- D.T. RUNIA. Philo of Alexandria and the Timaeus of Plato. 1986. Ocl. -- Id. & R. RADICE. Philo of Alexandria. An annotated bibliography 1937-86. (&) 1987-96. (&) 1997-2006. 1988-2012. 3 vols. Obrds. & ocl. (1 w. dust-j). (VCS 8, 57, 109). -- Id. Philo and the Church Fathers. A collection of papers. 1995. Ocl. w. dust-j. (VCS 32). -- And 3 o. (9).

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