Veiling 358 Natural History - Medicine - Science - Technology

GYNAECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS -- WITKOWSKI, G.-J. Histoire des accouchements chez tous les peuples. (1887). W. many illustr. Cont. hcf. extra. -- Added: Id. Les accouchements a la cour. (1880). W. many illustr. Cont. cloth. -- Id. Les accouchements dans les beaux-arts. (c. 1895). W. many illustr. Hcl. extra. (Lacks title-p.). -- And 1 o. (4).

Ad 1: Witkowski's "Histoire (…)" and his various monographs on the cultural aspects of pregnancy & labor, the female breast, etc., are full of curious & amusing facts. (Garrison, Introd. to the hist. of medicine, 917). First edition.

€ 140

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