Veiling 358 Genealogy - Heraldry - Numismatics

NUMISMATICS -- ALGEMEYNEN TARIEF, of gemaekte rekeningen, tot het doen en ontfangen van betaelingen in Nederlandsch, Brabandsch, Hollandsch, Luyksch, Luxembourgsch, Fransch, Duytsch, en Engelsch geld. 3e dr. overz. en verm. Brussel, M.-E. Rampelbergh, n.d. (c. 1826?). xii, 328, (16) pp. W. num. woodcut representations of coins in text. Sm-8°. Cont. h. vellum w. ample overlapping marbled paper sides, covering narrow letterpress vellum finger tabs w. currency indications. (Some tabs gone, some traces of use, but a good copy).

Conversion tables for Dutch, French, etc. coins, also for older currencies, as well as practical information on money matters.

€ 80

uitslag € 80

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