Veiling 358 Children's Prints & Games

BOARD GAME -- "BOER- EN ROOINEKSPEL". Amst., Gebr. Koster, n.d. (c. 1902). Cold. lithogr. by F.G. Schlette. 625 x 850 mm. (Vertical fold split, upper blank margin and corners (a bit) dam., but else no harm to image).

Board game on the theme of the Boer Wars in South Africa between the farmers and the English. Two portraits with a ribbon of numbered squares running over the contours of their headgear and over their chins. On the left an English soldier (English soldiers were referred to as "Rooinekken" because they soon had burnt skin in the neck due to the bright sun), on the right a South African farmer with a red beard. In the bottom margin the rules in seven columns. - Rare.

€ 150

uitslag € 140

volgend kavel

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