Veiling 358 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

FACSIMILE EDITIONS -- WYCLIFFE, J. A smaller Biblia Pauperum, conteynynge Thyrtie and Eyghte Wodecuttes illustratynge The life, Parablis, and Miraclis off Oure Blessid Lorde (…). Preface by A.P. Stanley. Lond., Unwin Brothers, 1884. lxxxii lvs. W. ti. printed in red & black, 38 woodcut plates, text within woodcut borders. Or. vellum dec. in brown, w. brass clasps and catches, top edge red, uncut.

There are altogether 78 subjects on the 38 never used woodblocks, probably from the end of the 15th century. The printed text of Wycliff with borders from a 1525 Paris Book of hours printed by T. Kerver. - Manuscript owner's entry in red and brown ink: Edward Whieldon, Bath, 1885, opposite title-page and in the same style. - Bookplate of A.W. Barten.

€ 100

uitslag € 90

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