Veiling 358 Applied Arts

CERAMICS - GLASS -- POPE, J.A. Chinese porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine. 2nd ed. (1981). W. many b&w illustr. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- E. ZIMMERMANN. Chinesisches Porzellan und die übrigen keramischen Erzeugnisse Chinas. 1923. 2 vols. W. many b&w illustr. 4°. Ocl. -- B. HARRISON. Swatow in het Princessehof. The analysis of a museum collection of Chinese trade wares from Indonesia. (1979). W. many b&w & cold. illustr. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- G.C. WILLIAMSON. The book of Famille Rose. Lond., (n.d. = c. 1970). W. many cold. illustr. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 1 o. (6).

€ 60

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