Veiling 358 Foreign Language & Literature

PLÉIADE, BIBLIOTHEQUE de la. -- ALBUMS DE LA PLÉIADE. Paris, Éditions Gallimard, 1960-2016. 56 vols. of the series. Or. limp leather w. gilt backs & mylar covers. All in or. slipcases. Printed on India paper. All in mint condition. -- Added: A. CAMUS. Œuvres complètes. (2006). 2 vols. - Id. Théâtre, Récits, Nouvelles. (1962). - 3 vols. Or. limp leather w. gilt backs & mylar covers. In or. slipcases. -- (59).

Rare complete series of all the albums published until 2016 (but without the vinyl record from 1961): Dictionnaire des auteurs de la Pléiade, 1960; Balzac, 1962; Zola, 1963; Hugo, 1964; Proust, 1965; Stendhal, 1966; Rimbaud, 1967; Éluard, 1968; Saint-Simon, 1969; Théâtre classique, 1970; Apollinaire, 1971; Flaubert, 1972; Sand, 1973; Baudelaire, 1974; Dostoïevski, 1975; Rousseau, 1976; Céline, 1977; Pascal, 1978; Montherlant, 1979; Giono, 1980; Verlaine, 1981; Camus, 1982; Voltaire, 1983; Colette, 1984 Gide, 1985; Malraux, 1986; Maupassant, 1987; Chateaubriand, 1988; Les écrivains de la Révolution, 1989; Carroll, 1990; Sartre, 1991; Prévert, 1992; Nerval, 1993; Saint-Exupéry, 1994; Faulkner, 1995; Wilde, 1996; Aragon, 1997; Green, 1998; Borges, 1999; Un siècle NRF, 2000; Aymé, 2001; Queneau, 2002; Simenon, 2003; Diderot, 2004; Les Mille et Une Nuits, 2005; Cocteau, 2006; Montaigne, 2007; Breton, 2008; Album du Graal, 2009; Molière, 2010; Claudel, 2011; Verne, 2012; Cendrars, 2013; Duras, 2014; Casanova, 2015; Shakespeare, 2016.

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