Veiling 358 Printing Art

REVE, G. & R. KOUSBROEK. Je brief kwam net te laat. Rott., Bébert, (1986). 4°. Ohcl., bound by Bardamu. Printed in a lim. & numb. edition signed by both authors in the colophon, autograph dedication to Max van Rooy by Gerard Reve on ti.-p. -- W.F. HERMANS. Cascaden en riolen. 1986. Sm-8°. Ocl. Lim. & numb. ed, this copy 285. -- K. GUBBELS & K. SCHIPPERS. De kan. (Brummen, Stichting Signature, 1995). Owrps. w. (stained) dust-j. -- (3).

€ 80

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