Veiling 358 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

HERALDRY - GENEALOGY -- "GENEALOGIE ofte Geslagt Register Van de Familie van Steelant" - "GENEALOGIE ofte geslagt register van de familie Van Nilo" - "GENEALOGIE ofte geslagt register van de familie Van der Walle" - (Netherlands, c. 1790-1873). 3 parts in 1 vol. Ms. on Dutch laid paper. W. tog. 282 family crests throughout, partly under tissue guards, incl. a beautifully executed larger one on a whole page of the Van Steelant Family, all drawn and cold. by hand (incidentally also heightened w. gold). Fol. In old linen bind. (Bind. a bit worn).

One person in particular intersperses the manuscript and may also be the driving force in bringing these three families together in this three-part genealogical manuscript: Johannes van Steelant (1659-1716), son of Simon van Steelant (1626-1701) and Petronella van der Walle (1631-1717). He entered the service of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), holding different important functions, particularly in India. Much attention was given to the execution of the crests in this ms. With wax seals on two double-page openings in the first part, sometimes with some offsetting on the verso of the leaves. Sometimes also some offsetting from the paint on the tissue guards. Loosely inserted are 12 pp. with explanations to the manuscript, probably written in the 20th c.

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