Veiling 358 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

CALLIGRAPHY -- "SEELEN ERQUICKUNG In sich haltend Außerlesene Meeß, Beicht und Communion Gebett (…)". 1757. Calligraphed prayer-book in black, reddish brown and blue ink w. all kinds of very fine ornaments. 186 pp. Sm-8°. Simple black mor. bind., spine gilt and sides w. gilt borders. (Spine a bit worn/dry, free endpapers gone).

Prayer-book especially calligraphed for Anna Catharina Theresia Schröder ("von Aachen") by (her brother/father?) Joan. Carl Schröder. - Not in Doede.

€ 300

uitslag € 400

vorig kavel volgend kavel

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