Veiling 358 Manuscripts, Letters a.o. Written Documents

AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION from the mid 19th c. and earlier, pasted in 12 notebooks by a Dutch collector and made accessible by means of an alphabetical index in ms. c. 1858-94. All signatures arranged according to profession and all separately annotated (name, place and occupation, place and year of birth). In old 4° marbled paper binder.

Most autographs are contemporary, but an authentic autograph of Erasmus(?), in notebook 6:92 is included too. The notebooks are numbered 4-11, but 1-3 not present here (probably containing members of the nobility?). The collection includes autographs by the painters Schelfhout, Maris, Mesdag and De Bock, and by many persons of prestige in the 2nd half of the 19th c. The last entry is dated 1894.

€ 600

uitslag € 1300

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