Veiling 358 Prints & Drawings

TWELVE YEARS' TRUCE -- "TREBUS VAL". Amst., S. Theunis, n.d. (c. 1621). Broadside. Etching 200 x 353 mm on top of a 2 column letterpress text, total size 459 x 350 mm. Hinged to mount and under passepartout.

Allegory on the ending of the Twelve Years' Truce in 1621. On the left the Dutch Virgin in the Dutch Garden, in the center the falling pyramid of the Truce, propped up in vain by monks with sticks. Here are Mars and Victoria. On the right, Treves - personification of the Truce - lies on her deathbed, for which Mars scatters money and weapons. Printed under the print is a conversation between a citizen and a farmer, in 2 columns, and the legend A-L. - Very rare. FMH 1449; Atlas v. St. 1529.

€ 400

uitslag € 420

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