Veiling 358 Prints & Drawings

MATHAM/MAETHAM, Jacob (1571-1631). ("Market Scene, the Rest on the Flight into Egypt in the Background"). 1603. Engr. after a painting by Pieter ('Lange Pier') Aertsen (1507/08-1575). Engr. on laid paper. 235 x 331 mm. Tipped in on mount. (Margins cut on plate edge and partly beyond).

Vegetable sellers at their display. On the left a man with a chicken and a basket of eggs. In the background the Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Mat. 2:14). Print from a series of five prints with kitchen and market scenes combined with biblical scenes in the background. First state (of two). B. 167, Hollstein 159, I (of II). Wm coat of arms.

€ 300

uitslag € 700

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