Veiling 358 Prints & Drawings

LINSCHOTEN, HUYGEN VAN. Collection of 7 engraved plates by Joh. & Bapt. v. Doetecom from the 'Itinerario'. (Amst., c. 1600). 7 engr. plates (incl. 1 map of Mozambique). All c. 250 x 320 mm. Under passepartouts. (2 outer margins cut shortly, some faint marg. stains).

Comprising the following plates: '6 en 7. Insula & arcis Mocambique' (without description on v°); '32 en 33. Lectuli & ratio quibus Chinæ proceres'; '58 en 59. Scaphe piscatorie, etc.'; '58 en 59. Nuptiarum ritus, etc.'; '64 en 65. Cochini Rex elephante vectus'; '64 en 65. Inquilini e Cananor Mahometani infectiss.'; '86 en 87. Ecce tibi ramum, etc.'. - Tiele, Mémoire, 87-8.

€ 400

uitslag € 320

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