Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

CALPURNIUS FLACCUS. The declamations. Text, transl. & comm. by L.A. Sussman. 1994. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- SYMMACHUS. Prefect and emperor. The Relationes of Symmachus A.D. 384. W. transl., introd. & notes by R.H. Barrow. 1973. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- RHETORES LATINI MINORES. Emend. C. Halm. (Repr. ed. 1863. 1964). Ocl. -- G. HAVERLING. Studies on Symmachus' language and style. (1988). Owrps. (W. stamps, wrps. a bit skimmed). -- FRONTO. Epistulae. Ed. M.P.J. v.d. Hout. Vol. 1 (all) : Proleg., textum, (etc.). 1954. Owrps. -- And 10 o. (15).

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