Veiling 358 Classical Antiquity - Authors

CAESAR. Bellum hispaniense. Introd., testo crit. e comm. a cura di G. Pascucci. 1965. Owrps. -- FRONTINUS. Kriegslisten. Lat. und Deutsch v. G. Bendz. 2. Aufl. 1978. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A.E. ASTIN. Cato, the censor. 1978. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- P.K.K. ROOSJEN. Silius Italicus: Punica liber XIV. 1996. Owrps. -- M. v.d. KEUR. A commentary on Silius Italicus' Punica 13. Intertextuality and narrative structure. (2015). Owrps. -- And 6 o. (11).

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