Veiling 358 Illustrated Books 19th - 21st c.

CARICATURE -- MALO, Ch. Panorama d'Angleterre, journal politique, littéraire et critique. - Panorama d'Angleterre, ou Éphémérides anglaises, politiques et littéraires. - Par., 1816-17. 2 vols. W. 1 engr. front.-portr., 1 cold. costume-plate, 3 large fold. cold. English caricatures & 2 engr. plates w. musical scores. Cont. gilt dec. hcf. w. burgundy labels, owrps. bound up. (W. num. stamps, a bit foxed in places).

Important collection of the periodical edited by Charles Malo (1790-1871), including a first series published in 1816 (25 issues) followed by the Ephemerides for the year 1817.

€ 140

uitslag € 200

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