Veiling 358 Non European Civilizations - America

GERHARD, P. A guide to the historical geography of New Spain. 1972. Ocl. -- S.E. MORISON. The European discovery of America. The Southern voyages A.D. 1492-1616. 1974. Ocl. -- D.A. BRADING. The first America. The Spanish monarchy, Creole patriots, and the liberal state 1492-1867. (1991). Obrds. w. dust-j. (W. underl./annot. in pencil). -- H. CORTÉS. Letters from Mexico. Transl. & ed. by A.R. Pagden. 1972. Ocl. (W. a few marg. annot. in pencil). -- And 6 o. (some w. pencil annot./underl.). (10).

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