Veiling 358 Non European Civilizations - Malay Archipelago

ATLAS VAN NEDERLANDSCH OOST-INDIË bij het Topographisch Bureau te Batavia samengesteld i.d. jaren 1897-1904 (omgew. uitgave v.d. atlas v. J.W. Stemfoort & J.J. ten Siethoff). Bij de Topogr. Inrichting te 's-Grav. gereproduceerd o.l.v. C.A. Eckstein. 's-Grav., Departement v. Koloniën, 1898-1907. W. cold. double-p. ti. and 16 fine cold. lithogr. double-p. maps (image size c. 580 x 850 mm!). Lge-fol. Ocl. (Gilt-lettering faded, bind. a bit warped and extremities sl. worn, a few tiny wormholes, a few marg. rep./stains, sl. yellowed).

"This formidable atlas reflects the topographical survey and the prosperous state of the Dutch colonies. It's production was a governmental affair and should be regarded as a follow up to the atlas by Melvill van Carnbée and Versteeg." - Second revised edition. Koeman VI, Stem A2.

€ 380

uitslag € 300

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