Veiling 358 Non European Civilizations - Far East

JAPAN -- HERWIG, A. & H. Heroes of the Kabuki stage. (2004). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (C. v. RAPPARD-BOON, a.o.). Catalogue of the coll. of Japanese prints. Rijksmus. A'dam. 1979-90. 5 vols. 4°. Owrps. -- Id. Catalogue of the Van Gogh Museum's collection of Japanese prints. 1991. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- C. UHLENBECK, (a.o.). Japanse prenten. De collectie van Vincent van Gogh. (2018). 4°. Obrds. -- And 8 o. (16).

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