Veiling 358 Non European Civilizations - General

ELSHOUT, J.M. De Kenja-Dajaks uit het Apo-Kajangebied. Bijdrage tot de kennis van Centraal-Borneo. 1926. W. fold. front. map. & num. plates. Obrds. (Spine browned, waterstained at the bottom). -- E.E. EVANS-PRITCHARD. Witchcraft, oracles, and magic among the Azande. 1937. W. many illustr., maps & plates. Ocl. -- Th. THEYE, (ed.). Der geraubten Schatten. Eine Weltreise im Spiegel der ethnographischen Photographie. (1989.). W. many illustr. Lge-8°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- W. JAMES. The listening ebony. 1988. (Some foxing). -- And 3 o. (7). (All books w. some smoke odour).

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