Veiling 358 Netherlands - General History & Topography

LEIDEN -- ORLERS, J.J. Beschrijvinge der Stadt Leyden. 2e dr. Leyden, (etc.), A.J. Cloeting & A. Commelijn, 1641. 3 parts in 1 vol. (30), 738, (14) pp. W. 1 fold. plan of Leiden & 2 fold. engr. depict. the Spanish siege & later relief of the town, 11 engr. views in text. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Vellum split on upper joint, but binding firm, some unobtrusive traces of use).

Extra plates: 6 fold. plates (slightly worn, 1 loose) depicting the hardships of the population and their relief, taken from the first edition, 11 engr. views and 20 engr. portraits. From the library of J.W. Six and w. his bookplate.

€ 500

uitslag € 500

vorig kavel volgend kavel

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