Veiling 358 Netherlands - General History & Topography

HEDENDAAGSCHE HISTORIE, of tegenwoordige staat der Ver. Nederlanden. Dl. 14-18: Behelzende eenen Aanvang der Beschryvinge van Holland. Amst., 1742-50. 5 vols. (14), 567, (13); (12), 532, (9); (10), 601, (23); (12), 575, (20); (10), 636, (27) pp. W. 5 diff. fronts., 12 fold. maps, 24 fold. plans & 21 (partly fold.) views. Vols. 14-17: Cont. h. vellum w. marbled boards, uncut; vol. 18: smaller in size, cont. full vellum w. red label. (Most boards rubbed, vol. 18 w. remains of ticket on spine & slight waterstaining near lower margin, some yellowing in the text, vol. 15 w. small wormholes (does not affect text)).

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