Veiling 358 Netherlands - General History & Topography

BREDA -- BOXHORN, M.Z. Historia obsidionis Bredae et rerum anno 1637 gestarum. Leiden, I. Commelin, 1640. (8), 176, (11) pp. W. engr. ti. depicting a warrior w. in the background a view on the town, 4 double-p. engr., 4 full-p. engr. & 5 woodcuts in the text. Fol. Cont. vellum. (Bind. a bit warped, free endpapers gone, small stamp & old name entry on half-ti., a few tiny wormholes, sl. browned/soiled in places).

Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn (1612-53) is known for his numerous writings on various subjects. His 'Historia obsidionis Bredae' still has value and contains the history of the siege of Breda in 1637 by Frederik Hendrik, and other historical events of that year. - Cat. Bibl. Prov. Genootschap v. K. & W. 1954, p. 104; De Wind p. 449; Haitsma Mulier/v.d. Lem 78b.

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