Veiling 358 Netherlands - General History & Topography

A(ITZEMA), L. v. Herstelde leeuw, of discours, over 't gepasseerde in de Vereenichde Nederlanden in 't Jaer 1650 & 1651. The Hague, J. Veely, 1652. (24), 615, (7) pp. W. engr. front. 4°. Cont. vellum w. overl. sides. (Lower (inner) margin stained, small stamp on ti.).

Account, w. official documents, of the attack of stadtholder William II on Amsterdam, of his death and of the subsequent changes in government. - First edition. Haitsma Mulier/v.d. Lem 7b; Knuttel, Verb. boeken, 10.

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