Veiling 358 Religion - Mysticism - Spiritism - Mythology

BETZ, H.D., (a.o.), eds. Religion past & present. Encyclopeda of theology and religion. Vol. 1: A-Bhu. 2007. 4°. Ocl. -- G. RINALDI. Biblia gentium. A first contribution towards an index of Biblical quotations, references and allusions made by Greek and Latin heathen writers of the Roman imperial times. (1989). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- K. v.d. TOORN, B. BECKING & P.W. v.d. HORST, eds. Dictionary of deities and demons in the Bible. 2nd ed. 1999. 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- D.A. DeSILVA. 4 Maccabees. Introd. & comm. on the Greek text in Codex Sinaiticus. 2006. Ocl. -- (4).

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